Roasted Garlic
1 head of garlic
Butter and fresh thyme (optional)
Using a sharp knife, cut the pointed top off the garlic
head so that the cloves are just visible through the
cuts in the top of the garlic. Several hours before serving,
put the garlic in the oven at 250 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Remove and let cool.
Just before serving, put the garlic on a heatproof serving
dish; garnish with butter and crossed sprigs of fresh thyme,
if desired. Heat oven to 450 degrees and roast garlic for
5-10 minutes, or until brown all across the top. Serve while
still warm.
To serve: We use cocktail forks (gotta have some use for the
silly things) to scoop out the cloves of garlic from the head.
Then you mash them on warm French bread. The appetizer last
night included a wedge of herb Brie next to the head of garlic,
and the combination was very nice.