1/2 cup barley grain
1/2 tbs sesame seeds (not optional)
1 pinch coriander seeds
4 dried apple rings
1 sprinkle shoyu (optional)
1 3/4 cups water
Being a nice sweet grain, barley goes well with dried apples. The other
ingredients are necessary to keep if from tasting too bland or too much like a
dessert. Skip this one if you have a problem with sesame seeds.
Wash and then roast the barley until it's evenly browned. Washing and roasting
are important with barley as they get rid of the powdery stuff on it which
otherwise turns into rubber. Cut the apple rings into small pieces and pressure
cook them with the barley, coriander and water for 45 minutes.
While that's cooking, dry roast the sesame seeds so as to maximize their
flavor, which will probably take less than five minutes.
Combine the barley with the sesame seeds when they're done, and add a tiny
amount of shoyu to taste.