It is not too much trouble to make fresh mozzarella cheese at home and it is far superior to what you can buy already made. First you need to make a starter or thermophillic culture.
Starter Ingredients
2 cups fresh milk
1 tablespoon fresh yogurt, either homemade or such as Dannon
Cheese Ingredients
1 gallon milk
2 ounces thermophilac culture (2 ice cubes defrosted)
1/2 rennet tablet
Starter Instructions
Sterilize a one quart canning jar and the cover in boiling water for ten minutes.
Heat milk to 185 degrees. Cool milk to 125 degrees.
Add one tablespoon fresh plain yogurt and mix together.
Put mixture into jar and put into a pot with warm water half way up the jar.
Keep the water warm, 110 degrees, for about eight hours, or more. You can do this by using the warm setting on your stove.
When the mixture thickens it is ready.
Cool and pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
Then store until needed in plastic bags. Each cube is about one ounce. Use 2 cubes to make fresh starter when you need it.
Cheese Instructions
Heat milk to ninety degrees.
Mix milk and culture and let sit one hour to ripen.
Dissolve 1/2 rennet in 1/4 cup water and mix in milk mixture and let cook another hour at ninety degrees.
The curd will thicken or set.
Cut the curds into in half inch cubes and leave in the pot for fifteen minutes.
Drain the curds into a cheesecloth lined colander. (Save the liquid for ricotta.)
Drain for several hours until fully drained using a cheescloth or muslin bag if you have it.
Place curds in stainless steel pot and refrigerate to develop for 24 hours.
Remove curds from refrigerator and place some test curds in a stainless steel pot with water at 170 degrees.
Using two wooden spoons begin pressing the curds together so that the shape of the cubes no longer shows. If the curds do not press together, wait an hour and try again. Do not overheat the water.
When test curds take shape, put the remaining curds into the pot at 170 degrees and work into balls about the size of a baseball using the two wooden spoons.
Remove the ball from the water and work the cheese over itself a few times to stretch. If this get too difficult place the cheese back in the warm water and then continue to stretch.
Place in a bowl of ice water or cold brine solution made of 1 gallon of water and 2 pounds of salt for an hour.
Remove cheese from water and dry.
Wrap in plastic wrap.
The cheese tastes best if cured 24 hours before using.
To make cheese you should have a cheese thermometer as the exact temperature is important. You also have to have the correct rennet tablet…ucts_id-136.php