Enjoy this traditional Greek soup recipe with your next meal!
1 lb leeks
2 carrots
1 bunch celery
1/2 cup olive oil
**Egg and lemon sauce
Peel and wash the vegetables. Cut the leeks and carrots into small pieces and chop the celery fine. Heat the oil in a pot, saute the vegetables lightly, cover them with water and add the salt and pepper. Simmer until the vegetables are tender. Prepare the egg and lemon sauce and serve the soup hot.
**Egg and Lemon Sauce Preparation:
1-2 cups soup broth
2 eggs
Juices of 1 lemon
A little flour
Mix the flour with the lemon juice. Beat the eggs in a bowl with the flour and lemon juice. Add the broth, beating continually. Pour the egg and lemon sauce into the pot of soup or food and stir.
Note – Remove the pot from the heat before adding the egg and lemon sauce. If a thinner sauce is desired, you may omit the flour.
Serves 4 to 6
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