2 c. small beer
1 3/4 oz. yeast
2 tsp. salt
7 c. ragsikt (sifted rye flour)
1 3/4 oz. butter
1/2 c. dark syrup (molasses)
1 Tbsp. orange peel
1 tsp. cloves
1 tsp. ginger
2/3 c. raisins
Warm beer to 100 degrees F. (Small beer is beer made with the same wort after dark, strongly flavored beer is made. Any mild beer will do.) Stir yeast into small amount of liquid. Mix beer, yeast, salt, and 1 dL of flour. Knead. Allow to rise until doubled. Bring butter, molasses, spices to a boil. Cool. Pour into dough. Add raisins. Rise 30 min. Knead. Divide into two pieces. Shape into tins. Rise 30 min. Bake at 350 degrees F for 40-50 min. This is a fairly dense bread, but is moist, with rich flavor.