An old, typical Danish dessert, a sort of small sweet dumpling, originally made with a small piece of apple inside, but that is not common anymore,You will need an aebleskiver-pan for this! You can, however, bake them in a blinis pan or like you would American pancakes.
500 mililitres of plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons caster sugar
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
3 eggs
400 ml buttermilk
zest of 1 lemon
4 tablespoons melted butter or oil for baking
RECIPE II (luxury), makes 75 aebleskiver:
2 egg
1 tablespoon caster sugar
75 grams plain flour
3 tablespoons potato-flour
zest of 1 lemon
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
250 ml cream
(for this recipe you need to add a little butter or oil to the pan between each batch)
Mix dry ingredients and whisk together egg-yolks and buttermilk. Stir the two together to a smooth batter. Add oil or melted butter and let the batter rest for ½ hour. Whisk egg-whites until fairly stiff and fold them in the batter, pour the batter in a jug.
Heat your aebleskive-pan and put a very small knob of butter or a little oil in each hole for the first aebleskiver. For the rest it is not necessary to add more oil/butter, when you've added oil/butter to the batter.
Fill the holes 3/4 with batter. Turn over the aebleskiver, when they start to set around the edges. Before you turn them over, you can put a little apple-puree or a small piece of apple in the middle of the aebleskive. Turn the aebleskive several times while baking using a wooden skewer.
Test if they are done with a clean wooden skewer – if the batter clings to the skewer, they need a little more time.
Keep them warm in the oven while baking the rest.
Eat with icing sugar and your favourite jam.