It tastes super! And all thanks to you! It’s easy to make it and you may keep it as a marmelade in your fridge or as an ingredient to prepare cranberry sauce. You only need cranberries, fresh or frozen, red or blue and …
Step 1 – Prepare the marmelade
You will boil the cranberries in a pot using equals grams of cranberries and sugar. So, for a small vase of marmalade, you will boil in a small saucepan 2 TBsp of cranberries with 2 TBsp of sugar. You may add a little water in the saucepan in order not for the fruits to stick in the bottom of the pot. Leave the fruits to boil for about half an hour and get them melted. Then, you use the blender to have them mashed and have a homogenized marmalade.
Leave the marmelade get cold and put it in a sterilized vase and then in the fridge.
Step 2 – Prepare the cranberry sauce
Place the sauce on you meat and you will taste an incredible tasty bite. This quantity of the handmade sauce is enough as a side sauce for 3-4 persons. The sauce is perfect for roasted meat and especially for chicken and wild boar.
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